Thursday, April 20, 2017

B.B. Lawrece, Nosmo King and Herbert Townsend

He was telling his class of the Crimean War
Of the soldiers who fought and who died,
And of how Florence Nightingale bearing a lamp
Could be seen at the wounded men’s side. 

“That woman,” said he, “is a lesson to all
Of steadfastness, courage and love,
Just one fine example of what can be done
With the power that comes from above.”

Then a boy’s hand shot up and a voice said “But sir,
She wasn’t the only one, 
There must have been others out there at the front
Or the work never could have been done.”

“Why, yes,” said the teacher, “some forty or more
Were helping to work at the camp,
But hers was the name that found honour and fame
As the lady who carried the lamp.

“So today in this world there are those who find fame
For the wonderful things they have done,
Some deed of courage, some generous act,
And they soon find their place in the sun,

“While others just carry on with their job
And the world never makes any fuss,
They just struggle along, even when things go wrong,
Like the Smiths or the Browns or like us.

“No limelight for them, no newspaper headlines,
No royalty claim them as friend.
They just play their part in the drama of life,
And then quietly slip out at the end.

“Yet this old world could never keep going
On its long and its difficult tramp
If it weren’t for the fellow without a name
Or the Lady without a Lamp.”



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